Maryann Cesarone
Maryann worked at Sams Club doing demos but found her real calling as a grandmother; Babci was strict, but she’d let you stay up late and drink a little tea. She was true to her Polish heritage: she made the best perogies, galumpkis and kapusta soup and stayed feisty til the end. She kept her hands busy doing cross stitch; patterns of everything from angels to roses to cardinals. If she was outside, you’d most likely see her sprucing up her yard. If her T.V was on she’d be solving crimes with Law and Order or catching up with the Golden Girls. Maryann always had some book she was into, usually Nora Roberts.
She met a handsome guy in high school, the late Alfonso. Their marriage was blessed by a daughter, Leticia Smith and later by grandchildren, Heather and Alec and great grandchildren, Ayden, Aryanna and Asher. She is survived by her sister, Stella Boltz.
Her family will celebrate 80 great years privately.