Susie Dydek

Susie Dydek

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere. Susie was the life of the party, especially if there was some Karaoke involved. And she kept her friends for life. Even if they hadn’t talked in a while she’d pick right up where they left off and they knew she was always thinking about them. As a service advisor at Willis Honda, customers all knew that Susie was on their side. Knowing they’d be getting exactly what they needed put everyone at ease; Susie’s honesty always got the sale. But she found her real calling late in life: Susie was meant to be a grandmother. Built in babysitter and spoiler in chief to Rose. Not a day went by that she wasn’t buying her some new clothes or custom toys. Of course, their affections were mutual: Rose was Susie’s biggest fan. She liked to do a little camping, cheered for the Eagles and loved Antiques Roadshow.
On a camping trip she’d show some mercy to another camper, by offering him a cup of coffee when he’d had a few too many the night before. That cup of coffee led to a 42-year marriage with the handsome Anthony. She’d never stop spoiling him. They were blessed with a daughter, Jackie (Elijah) and later by a granddaughter, Rose.

Come celebrate 64 great years, Wednesday 11 1 p.m. at Sweeney Funeral Home, Riverside and be ready to tell a great story about Susie at the storytime service at 1.


The Hugs at Daley Life Celebration Studio are quite simply the most rewarding way for your grandkids to remember those wonderful times you’ve had together. It’s a unique and personalized service which allows everyone to express their feelings and beginthe first step of the healing process. img


Our mission is to assist families, through innovative techniques, personal attention, insight and resourcefulness, in “sharing fond memories” of someone who has died by planning and creating a meaningful and relevant funeral experience in an atmosphere of elegance, warmth and comfort.