Susie Dydek
It’s 5 o’clock somewhere. Susie was the life of the party, especially if there was some Karaoke involved. And she kept her friends for life. Even if they hadn’t talked in a while she’d pick right up where they left off and they knew she was always thinking about them. As a service advisor at Willis Honda, customers all knew that Susie was on their side. Knowing they’d be getting exactly what they needed put everyone at ease; Susie’s honesty always got the sale. But she found her real calling late in life: Susie was meant to be a grandmother. Built in babysitter and spoiler in chief to Rose. Not a day went by that she wasn’t buying her some new clothes or custom toys. Of course, their affections were mutual: Rose was Susie’s biggest fan. She liked to do a little camping, cheered for the Eagles and loved Antiques Roadshow.
On a camping trip she’d show some mercy to another camper, by offering him a cup of coffee when he’d had a few too many the night before. That cup of coffee led to a 42-year marriage with the handsome Anthony. She’d never stop spoiling him. They were blessed with a daughter, Jackie (Elijah) and later by a granddaughter, Rose.
Come celebrate 64 great years, Wednesday 11 1 p.m. at Sweeney Funeral Home, Riverside and be ready to tell a great story about Susie at the storytime service at 1.